About Islam


Islam is a monotheistic, abrahamic religion. That means that we believe in One, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-merciful God, whom we call Allah. Like Christians and Jews, we believe that God has sent down messengers and prophets to guide us, and that we will all be judged on our deeds on the day of Judgement. 

Muslims actually believe in Moses, Isaac, Ishmael, Noah, Adam and Eve, Abraham, and even Jesus Christ, Peace be upon them all. Main difference being that we highly respect Jesus Christ, but as a prophet of god. We also believe that Jesus and Moses received holy scriptures of god, however, we believe in the Holy Quran to be pure and preserved, while other scriptures are respectfully viewed as manipulated and changed. We pray five times a day and dedicate our lives to worshipping god and helping other people. Every year, we give away a mandatory 2.5% of our wealth to charity and fast for a month to feel their pain and hunger, but to also connect with god and build our willpower and strength. 

Within our faith and respective cultures, family, faith, honour, morals, and community are all incredibly important. 

Where did Islam originate?

Islam originated in modern-day Saudi Arabia, around 1400 years ago. The rise of Islam is intrinsically linked with the Prophet Muhammad, believed by Muslims to be the last in a long line of prophets that includes Moses and Jesus.

What do Muslims believe?

Muslims share much of their beliefs with Jews and Christians. We believe in one, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-merciful, and all-forgiving god, who we call "Allah", which simply means God in Arabic. We also believe in his prophets and messengers, angels, his holy books ( Quran, Gospel, Torah), as well as the Day of Judgement, and predetermination.